LowTech - Toiletten - Bio - Kompost

Es gibt verschiednene Arten von Öekologischen Toiletten. die Toiletten aus denen Biogas gewonnen wird, sind hier
Hier geht es um Biotoiletten, Komposttoiletten ohne Biogasherstellung

Trockentoiletten im Kleingarten – diese 10 Dinge musst du wissen. (Tipps & Tricks)
29.03.2022 Was darf ich für eine Toilette im Garten haben? Was ist überhaupt eine Trockentrenntoilette? Und welche Einstreu eignet sich für Trockenklos, Komposttoiletten und Co? Enno von Goldeimer stellt 10 Dinge vor, die du rund um das Thema Trockenklos im Kleingarten wissen musst. Trockentoiletten und Zubehör von Goldeimer findest du hier: https://goldeimer.de/collections/klos-co


Pollution Control Toilet/Cheap Toilet
Innovation in toilet technology allowing people to access sanitation better.

Tata Steel Nest-In | EzyNest | Modular Toilets
Nest-In presents modern, durable and secure one stop sanitation solution with waste management, plumbing and electrical fittings.

Constructing an ecosan toilet -- A film from UNICEF
Ecological Sanitation is an important new approach to sanitation, which is truly sustainable. It uses almost no water in its operation, and human waste products are used as fertilizer. So three major objectives are achieved: -- saving on water, a critically scarce resource -- non-pollution of the environment by human waste, a major cause of disease and loss of human life -- 'closing the nutrient cycle' : the nutrients (primarily Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and carbon matter) in our excreta goes back into the soil for re-use by plants. Instead of a one-way process where chemicals are mined and used for each crop produced, the same chemicals are returned to the soil for reuse.

..AND SHRUB PURIFICATION PLANT Ekolet is a composting toilet for holiday homes and can be used either indoors or outside all year round. It requires no chemicals or additives, is odourless, and does not need sewarage; the outside model needs no electricity. The Ekolet composting toilet makes efficient use of nature's own methods to compost toilet and kitchen waste (including paper) into odourless fertilizer that is then emptied - see test results

Ecosan Toilet Experience
The video highlights the many advantages of the Ecosan model from Chhattisgarh state of India. Initially, the model was introduced as an alternative to twin and single leach toilets in one of the villages where the water table is high. But recognizing the advantages of this model, a significant growth in demand by the community was seen in other areas as well. The acceptance of community is evident by the fact that people are willing to contribute as high as 40 per cent of the cost of construction (approximately Rs 4,800). This is especially significant as the government schemes find it difficult to even get a contribution of 10 per cent (Rs 900) from community for the standard twin pit latrines which is cheaper than the Ecosan model. Manure produced by the toilets has helped agriculture immensely in the villages.

Biofil toilets transforming Kampala slums
The National Slum Dwellers Federation of Uganda in partnership with ACTogether ( partner NGO) with support from Comic Relief are bio-fil toilets in Kampala slums as a solution to the sanitation crisis in the city. Bio-fil toilet technology treats human waste at the source, it is environmentally friendly and more cost effective way to to manage human waste.

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